I just got back from a visit to the paint shop, and I’m absolutely giddy. I had a vision in my head of what my Porsche 996 Turbo would look like when the paint was changed from boring and common Seal Grey to the period-correct and gorgeous Ocean Jade Metallic, but I never imagined it would look quite this good. The folks at Two Brothers Auto Group in Canton, Ohio have gone above and beyond with this project and cranked out a tremendous looking machine.

Before you make some notes that the paint doesn’t look as glossy as you would expect, they just finished a post-paint final sand before the whole thing got buffed out to a final shine. It’s slightly more matte here than it will be in the finished result. It’s getting shined up right now and they said I can probably come pick it up re-assembled in a week or so. I am, as it were, incredibly stoked out.

Two Brothers also recently finished a re-color on my 2020 Harley Davidson LiveWire’s plastics, and I’m totally obsessed with this as well.

If it weren’t for my damn carbon fiber roof, this project probably would have been finished a month ago and under budget. Because of an issue pulling vacuum on the carbon curing process, it wasn’t fully impregnated with epoxy.

Taylor at Two Brothers had to spend countless hours spraying, sanding, injecting, and sanding again until it was able to provide a leak-free surface. I’m glad he went above and beyond, and I’m sure it will be worth it in the end, but it’s just another thing to add to my list of daily frustrations, you know?

Here’s a piece of the car that has been properly finished and shows off the final level of shine. I can’t wait to see this thing in the sunshine.

We initially booked the car in for this work last fall, and I told them they could take their time with it because I definitely wasn’t going to be driving this car in a midwest winter anyway. Spring is almost here, but it’s snowing today, so there’s still time for it to be finished and get a good sunny day drive. I can’t wait.

The only things left to do are to paint the front and rear bumpers, blast and match the wheel centers, and re-assemble it all. I don’t know if I’ve ever been happier. Maybe on my wedding day.