AIGA Professional Design Certification (Online) FAQs

    Ask from the Community: In research conducted in 2022, AIGA found that professional certification was a desired development for the future. In fact, about 90% of the community  that had a point of view of the topic said they would be interested in an AIGA professional certification.

    Advocacy for the Profession: Professional groups and organizations that have a professional certification program tend to have more presence among decision makers—HR professionals, for example, are five times more likely to be at the leadership table than design professionals (2021 AIGA Design POV Research). Benchmarking studies have shown that professional certification programs significantly contribute to professionals in that industry having a more strategic function. 

    Inclusive Pathway: A certification is an inclusive pathway that allows for both traditional and nontraditional backgrounds to be included in the profession. For those where a four year degree is not a current option, or for those that have learned the craft in action and are looking to validate their professional status, the professional certification allows for entry into the profession. It also helps to create a common language and body of knowledge for design foundations that can serve as a baseline for designers. 

    Professional Development: A certification helps fill knowledge gaps needed for the future advancement of the design profession. Also, professional development and lifelong learning are critical for design professionals and to advance the profession.

    Differentiation: A certification will help designers show their commitment to the profession. It will also help recruiters and hiring managers to identify individuals that follow best practices, who have a strong commitment to learning and to the professional practice, and creates accountability to both learning and ethics.

    Career Advancement: Professional certification is shown to be a valuable credential for career advancement and it is preferred or required for jobs in many professions. Certified professionals in other disciplines that have adopted such an approach usually have higher labor force participation and according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, get paid more (35 percent higher earnings). 

      The new AIGA Professional Design Certification takes the learning and professional development program one step further allowing designers to demonstrate their commitment to standards of professional practice, professional development, and to the growth and advancement of the design profession. 

      The Certification program is customized (not only curated) with specific design content, design case studies related to business, law, and ethics. It also includes design subject matter experts.
      There is a verifiable digital badging system available for those that complete the program which can be displayed on websites, social media channels (e.g., LinkedIn), and other online locations.

      AIGA Professional Design Certification includes a professional portfolio assessment step in addition to a knowledge/learning assessment phase and this final step in the process validates not only knowledge but also practical professional skills. 

      AIGA Professional Design Certification also requires commitment to lifelong learning and the standards of professional practice. 

        To earn the AIGA Professional Design Certification, one needs to take the following steps:

        AIGA Professional Designer (AIGA PD) 
        Ideal for individual practitioners focused on the craft.
        Step 1Completion of the AIGA Professional Design Foundations Certificate. This includes both a learning and assessment component.

        Step 2Professional practice assessment via AIGA Professional Portfolio Assessment, which is conducted virtually throughout the year.

         Step 3 An ongoing commitment to learning and to AIGA standards of professional practice and code of conduct demonstrated through continuing professional development.

        AIGA Design Leader (AIGA DL)
        Ideal for individuals in design leadership.

        Step 1 Completion of the AIGA Professional Design Foundations Certificate. This includes both a learning and assessment component.

        Step 2 Completion of the AIGA Leading Innovation Certificate. This includes both a learning and assessment component.

        Step 3 Professional practice assessment via AIGA Professional Portfolio Assessment, which is conducted virtually throughout the year.

         Step 4An ongoing commitment to learning and to AIGA standards of professional practice and code of conduct demonstrated through continuing professional development.

          Everyone is eligible for Step 1 of the AIGA Professional Design Certification (AIGA Professional Foundations Certificate). The Portfolio Review step requires professional experience criteria based on the desired level of certification and one can apply as soon as minimum requirements are achieved. 

          AIGA Professional Designer (AIGA PD) 

          At least one year of professional experience in design

          AIGA Design Leader (AIGA DL)

          At least seven years of professional experience in design

            A design educator can apply for the certification. Educators should choose between AIGA Design Leader (AIGA DL) or AIGA Professional Designer (AIGA PD) based on their professional experience and the eligibility criteria.

              There are no prerequisites to participate in the certificate portion (Step 1) of the AIGA Professional Design Certification program. AIGA Professional Designer (AIGA PD) and AIGA Design Leader (AIGA DL) have professional experience as prerequisites and one would need to comply with such prerequisites to apply.

                No, you do not need a degree in design or a formal design education to be eligible.

                  Yes, but we recommend choosing the certification that best fits your level of professional experience and purpose within the profession. It's always possible to take the other certification later.

                    The estimated time to complete the certificate portion of the professional certification is 30 hours for AIGA-PD and 50 hours for AIGA-DL. 

                    The portfolio assessment phase should take an estimated 30 hours of preparation to submit documentation for the portfolio assessment and to participate in the portfolio assessment.

                      If you are an AIGA member, you do not need to renew your certification for as long as you remain an AIGA member.

                      If you are not an AIGA member, you will need to renew your certification every two years if you wish to continue using the AIGA Professional Design Certification badge and the letters (AIGA PD or AIGA DL) after your name. 

                      The recertification process will have a nominal administrative fee and you will be required to submit a summarized professional development plan with:

                      • Career goals for the next three to five years 
                      • Summary of learning in previous cycle with reflection of how it connects to career goals
                      • Learning goals for next cycle with reflection of how it connects to career goals

                      Examples of types of learning are:

                      • Self-directed/on-the-job 
                      • Courses/certificates 
                      • Conferences/events 
                      • Professional membership
                      • Teaching/Education
                      • Mentoring/Coaching
                      • Volunteering

                      There will be no additional courses required to recertify. Applications will be randomly selected for review in which case you will be invited to a conversation with the AIGA learning team to share your career goals and learning (summary and goals). 

                        You may request a refund up to five (5) days from the purchase date. The registration fee will only be refunded if less than 10% of the course has been completed. Completion percentage can be viewed on the Course Progress page from within the course.

                        If you have additional questions about the AIGA Professional Design Certification, please send an email to [email protected].