Logan Carter
An innate car enthusiast who loves all things automotive and strives to bring his unique perspective to all stories.

CyberTruck drivers - this doesn’t apply to you. Feel free to traverse streams, floor plains, etc... in your highly advanced vehicle. The rules for a Nissan Versa simply do not apply to you. Also, park anywhere you want. You’ve earned it.  Read more

I too may have resorted to drowning a Nissan Versa to collect the insurance money and buy something better.
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...or why you should never drive a Versa. But there are other reasons for that. Like, it’s a Versa. Read more

Absolutely - then again, she may have realized what she was driving and saw an opportunity to not to have to drive it anymore.

Where did they train the lane change assist Massachusetts?  Read more

I hate this vehicle (and its Escalade cousin) with every fibre of my being. They may be great for road tripping, but in the suburban neighbourhoods where they live they’re a total goddamn menace. They take up way too much room and drivers can’t see kids in front of them. In two or three years they rattle and squeak Read more

Seems to me the same weaknesses that I see in my Tesla 3 “Autopilot” (no FSD) : great on a desert multilanes highway, not so great on the same highway with much traffic, problematic in construction zones (often hesitates between temporary and former lane markings eg) and disastrous on a winding 2 lane highway (as in Read more

Super Cruise developed a habit of randomly accelerating toward vehicles ahead of us, then slamming on the brakes when it got too close. Read more

Looks like it is no longer a 4 door luxury sports coupe like the 1st gen. All 3 of the 2009-2013 ZDX owners will be very upset.

I fell asleep once on the interstate at night. Never buy a Lexus LS400.
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My mom tells me that as a little kid, I would refuse to take naps until they drove me around in the car Read more

I agree that there are better ways to get the same GM-quality interior with similar looks at a much cheaper price:

I actually like the look of the ZDX the most of any of the Ultium platform cars, but it’s so disappointing that Honda didn’t do more for the interior for this and the Prologue. The difference in layout and material quality between Honda’s modern interiors and GM’s is night and day. Read more

Looks like the ONLY thing on the boat was trash. I hope they nail every one of them. But it is more likely the Boca PD will make bank from mommy and daddy. Read more

Clearly there was a lot more trash on that boat than what was tossed. Read more

A boating blog showed photos of a supposed Snapchat conversation between two of the passengers. Apparently they’re all students at some local prep school and didn’t want to get caught by the cops for underage drinking, but of course now they’re freaking out. Don’t fuck with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Co Read more

So the winglet was patented before really anything had wings ? Read more