Why do we call some things craft and others tech? Through Kelli’s design work, she has made paper “computers”, record players, and planetariums. These projects confront our preconceived notions about technology—which function in spite of lacking all perceptible technology. This craft technology connects us more deeply with the world around us. As in Bruno Munari's ‘Air Made Visible,’ as in the philosophy of Kenya Hara, as in the tradition of origami: paper can act as a finely-tuned interface between our senses and the invisible forces undergirding our world. It has capabilities to make our world legible to us: In its delicacy, it can awaken and cultivate a great sensitivity toward our own perception. For the last several years, Kelli has been using paper to create interactive books. They take the black box dimensions of tech and make them tangible. By opening these concepts up to the poetics and playfulness of the senses, Kelli aims to do both: broaden the diversity of voices at the table and to treat the traditional space of the book anew, as an experimental venue.