Dudes Rock: Florida Man Drives Truck Into Ocean To See If It Can Surf

The Ram was, unfortunately, unable to ride the waves

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Florida seems a lawless land, where (nearly) anything goes and vehicular mischief is just appreciated as entertainment. As it turns out, though, there are rules — rules put in place to stop good, hardworking Americans from taking their pickup trucks surfing.

A Florida man discovered yesterday just how strict those rules are, when he attempted to take his am out for a day on the waves. Sure, he may have blown past a sign saying not to enter the beach. No, he didn’t pay the entry fee. But are those offenses so grievous that the local sheriff had to step in to stop a dude from rocking? Just read the transcript from the driver’s run-in with police, according to CBS 12:

“It’s not my fault the truck don’t surf,” [pickup driver Jason] Brzuszkiewicz shouted.

“Yeah, but you shouldn’t be driving on the beach when the gates are all closed,” the sheriff’s deputy said.

“I thought I was in England,” Brzuszkiewicz said.

“You thought you were in England? You’re not in England,” the deputy said.

“Are we not in Kansas anymore?” Brzuszkiewicz asked.

“No,” the deputy said sternly.

Brzuszkiewicz can be seen laughing on camera in response to the deputy. He then asks the deputy, “Can I get in trouble for that?”

“Yeah, yeah,” the deputy said. “Jail time if need be.”

Brzuszkiewicz wasn’t hurting anyone, his was a victimless crime. He just wanted to show his Ram the sights and sounds of the ocean, let it feel the salt spray on its grille. If they made surfboards big enough for trucks, you know he’d have brought one with him to truly determine if the Ram can surf. Let ‘em play, ref.

FIDLAR - Max Can’t Surf (Official Music Video)