Logan Carter
An innate car enthusiast who loves all things automotive and strives to bring his unique perspective to all stories.

Y’all have restored my faith in commenters today, thank you :) Read more

Okay I have a sadistic dream of owning a third-gen ForTwo and you’re making me want one even more. I’m 6'8" though, and I hardly fit into the second-gen ForTwo but I still want one lol Read more

Absolutely, dude. I’m Native American and it means a lot to see folks standing up for Indigenous history and flipping the bird to capitalism. Thanks for your kindness and support :) Read more

Unfortunately, even we here at Jalopnik are subject to the shackles of capitalism, but we hate all the ads too. Thank you for all for reading in spite of the ads. Read more

I have never driven a Malaise-era float-barge but I would absolutely love to if anyone in the LA-area is willing to lend me your lump of Malaise magnificence. Read more

This is chaos I love it. It is not a goodbye post, I felt compelled to write an ode to driving! Read more

I was a rower for 8 years of my life and coached while competing, so I’ve been around a lot of boats. Your knowledge base is so far beyond my comprehension, so thank you for sharing!
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I’m mortified by that mistake
Thank you for shaming me lol Read more

I didn’t want to copy your Barney spec masterpiece! Read more

Nah, that’s our very own Andy! if you can’t laugh at yourself, how are you gonna laugh at anybody else? hahaha Read more

The best part about the Outback Sedan was that it was called a SUS 😹
I walk past one in West Hollywood all the time and I just think “sus” lol Read more

These are all used so the money already went into his pocket, but I understand your apprehensions Read more

Research shows Hertz never got anywhere near the 100,000 they claimed to be buying, the highest they got was closer to 35,000, and more Model 3s are being added to Hertz’s car sales site by the hour. Read more

I said there were over 100 Model 3s listed for sale between $20K and $25K. 😘
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