AIGA Welcomes Six Members to the Board of Directors


August 01, 2024

Media Contact

Michelle Koenigsknecht

(212) 710-3138 [email protected]

New York, NY—AIGA, the professional association for design, announces the appointment of new members to its Board of Directors. The new Board appointments are three-year terms effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027. 

The new Board members were elected by the entire AIGA membership and play a crucial role in determining the mission of AIGA, and ensuring the organization remains a relevant and contemporary association for the profession.  

We are delighted to share the new AIGA Board Members who bring diverse perspectives and unique capabilities to the AIGA Board of Directors. 

Meet the newly elected members of AIGA’s Board of Directors:

  • Lama Ajinah, Founder and Chief Strategist, Co-Designs
  • Jennifer Ford, Director of Marketing and Communications, University of Florida 
  • Terence Hobson, Group Creative Director, EA Sports
  • Steven Mezzio, Ph.D., CPA, Executive Director and Founder, Center for Sustainable Business; Professor of Practice, Accounting, Governance and ESG, Lubin School of Business, Pace University
  • Nicole Parente-Lopez, Creative Executive, Advisor, Mentor 
  • Isaiah Steinfeld, GM, Global Head of Startup Acquisition and Customer Experience, AWS Startups (2nd term)

“I am excited to extend a warm welcome to our new AIGA board members, and I am eagerly anticipating the opportunity to collaborate with our new colleagues," said Cesar Rivera, AIGA’s Board President. "I am deeply grateful to our outgoing board members for their extraordinary contributions in advancing AIGA’s mission, their unwavering dedication to the design community, and their invaluable efforts in expanding the influence of design. Their service to AIGA and the design profession has been truly remarkable."


This year’s board slate was recommended by the 2024 Board Nominating Committee, chaired by Dawn Robinson and supported by AIGA board members Eileen Prado and Aleksey Fedorov

Recent board appointees to partial terms ending June 30, 2025:

  • Richard Shanks, Founding Partner, UpShift
  • Eileen Prado, Chief Financial Officer, CAP3

Board Members continuing their service:

  • Cesar Rivera (President 2024-2026), Supervisory Visual Information Specialist, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Mr. Rivera is serving in his personal capacity.
  • Dawn Davidson (Secretary)President/Creative Director, ABI - Alpha Business Images
  • Victor Davila, Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida
  • Rachel Elnar, Senior Creative Producer of B2B Engagement Content, Adobe
  • Aleksey Fedorov, Director of Global Brand Marketing, Microsoft
  • Art Taylor (Treasurer), Chief Executive Officer, (2nd term)
  • Reggie Tidwell, Owner/Creative Director, Curve Theory

AIGA’s new President Council Chair, Lauren Yanko, also joins the board of directors ex-officio for a one year term through June 30, 2025.

Departing Members of the Board:

  • Manuhuia Barcham (Outgoing AIGA President 2022-2024), Principal and Managing Director, Archetekt
  • Oen Hammonds, IBM Distinguished Design Executive, IBM Z
  • Xouchee Moua, Chief Financial Officer, Goods & Services
  • Anna Thomsen, Director, Central Financial Planning & Analysis, United Airlines


Media Contact

Michelle Koenigsknecht

(212) 710-3138 [email protected]


AIGA, the professional association for design, advances design as a professional craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force. As a community of design advocates, AIGA brings together practitioners, enthusiasts, and patrons to amplify the voice of design and creates the vision for a collective future. AIGA defines global standards and ethical practices, guides design education, inspires designers and the public, enhances professional development, and makes powerful tools and resources accessible to all.