Magazines, Design History 101, Graphic design Neville Brody on Navigating Graphic Design’s Shifting Identity "Graphic design is only really seen on Pinterest and Instagram"
Digital, Design History 101 How Computer Code Became a Modern Design Medium—an Oral History Bauhaus meets binary
Design + Gender, Design + Art, Design History 101 Celebrating Söre Popitz, the Bauhaus’ Only Known Woman Graphic Designer She studied type with Jan Tschichold and design with László Moholy-Nagy + Herbert Bayer—so why have we never heard of her?
Design + Music, Design History 101 In the Late ’70s in the Bronx, PHASE 2’s Party Flyers Created a Visual Language for Hip-Hop “I call it ‘Funky Nous Deco,’ no doubt.”
Design History 101, Graphic design You’re Influenced by Film Title Designer Pablo Ferro and You Probably Don’t Even Know It From Dr. Strangelove to Beetlejuice and Men in Black, Ferro’s exciting work spawned a generation of bold experimenters