50 Books | 50 Covers of 2017 Competition Results


September 10, 2018

Media Contact

Michelle Koenigsknecht

(212) 710-3138 [email protected]

NEW YORK—September 10, 2018. Today AIGA, the professional association for design, and Design Observer announce the results of “50 Books | 50 Covers” of 2017. Book designers and publishers entered nearly 800 book and cover designs from 40 countries. After careful and considered review, the jury—consisting of Rodrigo Corral, Carin Goldberg, Maricris Herrera, and Jessica Helfand (chair)—recognized submissions that successfully demonstrate design excellence in book and cover design.

AIGA and Design Observer are committed to finding the most effective means of bringing book design to the attention of designers and the public. Online, the selections become a part of a permanent, accessible, and historic collection of notable graphic design—the AIGA Design Archives—additionally, each piece will be published on Design Observer.

The books, which are exemplars of the craft and effect of good design, will become part of the AIGA collection at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Columbia University’s Butler Library and at the Robert Haas Arts Library at Yale University.

Media Contact

Michelle Koenigsknecht

(212) 710-3138 [email protected]


About AIGA

AIGA, the professional association for design, advances design as a professional craft, strategic advantage and vital cultural force. As the largest community of design advocates, we bring together practitioners, enthusiasts and patrons to amplify the voice of design and create the vision for a collective future. We define global standards and ethical practices, guide design education, inspire designers and the public, enhance professional development, and make powerful tools and resources accessible to all. Learn more at aiga.org/about.

About Design Observer

Founded in 2003 by Michael Bierut, Jessica Helfand, Rick Poynor, and the late William Drenttel, Design Observer is widely recognized as one of the leading global design websites. Its authors are regularly featured in the press, from Print Magazine and GOOD to the Wall Street JournalBloomberg BusinessweekFast Company, and more. Since its inception in 2003, Design Observer has been deeply committed to excellent criticism and journalism in an online environment. In 2016 Design Observer became part of the AIGA platform. With more than a million followers on social media, the blog has gained a receptive and engaged international readership that extends far beyond graphic design enthusiasts: its core audience is a mix of designers, developers, technologists, publishers, critics, social entrepreneurs, innovators, and thought leaders.