Design History 101, Design + Gender, Graphic design Roberta Williams Is the World’s First Graphic Computer Game Designer—But She’s Famous for All the Wrong Reasons “Video game history doesn’t know how to make sense of her except to single her out.”
Design History 101, Design + Gender The Sisterly Collusion Behind Vanessa Bell’s Book Covers for Virginia Woolf Woolf's dust jackets were “universally condemned amongst booksellers.” So why did she continue to let her sister design them?
Design + Diversity, Design + Gender There Is No Such Thing As Neutral Graphic Design Design is normative but it can also be transformative
Design + Gender Women Make Up Over Half the Design Industry—So Why Are There So Few at the Top? We talked to some of the most formidable women in design who are working to give others a leg up
Design + Gender, Design + Art, Design History 101 Celebrating Söre Popitz, the Bauhaus’ Only Known Woman Graphic Designer She studied type with Jan Tschichold and design with László Moholy-Nagy + Herbert Bayer—so why have we never heard of her?
Celebrating Söre Popitz, the Bauhaus’ Only Known Woman Graphic Designer Read more about Celebrating Söre Popitz, the Bauhaus’ Only Known Woman Graphic Designer